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取票細則及注意事項Ticket collection and points to note 


i) 門票數量有限,每人最多可登記/領取門票2張,先到先得,派完即止。

Tickets are limited and will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis while stock lasts. Each applicant is entitled to register for a maximum of 2 tickets.


(ii) (適用於網上登記人士)本處職員有權要求領取門票人士出示與申請表資料相符的證明文件,以供核實身分。

(For online ticket registration) Staff of the Islands District Office have the right to request the persons collecting tickets to present supporting documents that are consistent with the information stated at online registration for verification of identity. 

(iii) 所有門票只限個人使用,任何情況下均不得退換、退款、轉讓、轉售、交換、兌換成現金或其他物品。一經發現,門票立即作廢,本處保留追究權利。

All tickets are non-exchangeable, non-refundable, non-transferrable, nor to be resold, exchanged or converted for any items or cash. Tickets concerned will be void once any of such attempts is detected. The Islands District Office reserves the right to take necessary actions. 

(iv) 門票只供於活動當日使用,任何損毀、經塗改之門票或門票影印本均視作無效。如有任何遺失或損毀,均不設補發。

Tickets are only valid for use on the day of the event. Any damaged, altered or photocopied tickets will be deemed invalid. Tickets will not be re-issued in the event of ticket loss or damage. 

(v) 如活動改期或取消,或持票人因任何原因不能出席活動,持票人將不會獲得任何補償或賠償。

No compensation will be provided to the ticket holders if the event is rescheduled or cancelled, or the ticket holders are unable to attend the event for any reasons. 

(vi) 節目如有變動,恕不另行通知。

The performance may be subject to change without prior notice. 

(vii) 所有觀眾必須遵守場地細則及遵從本處、場地工作人員或代理人作出的任何保安安排、指示或通知,否則可被要求即時離場而不獲得任何補償或賠償。有關場地細則詳詳情,可瀏覽網址 (小冊子場地細則連結)

Audience shall observe the House Rules and follow any security arrangements, instructions or notices made by the Islands District Office, on-site staff or agents, failing which, audience may be asked to leave the venue immediately without any compensation. For details of the House Rules, please visit (pamphlet House Rules link)

(viii) 如對本條款及條件及/或其他本活動相關事宜有任何爭議,本處將保留最終決定權。

In case of dispute over these terms and conditions and/or other matters related to this event, the decision of the Islands District Office shall be final. 


Personal Information Collection Statement


The personal data collected in this form will be used by the organiser for the purpose of verification of participants’ identity and ticket distribution. Personal data collected will not be used for other purposes without the participants’ consent. Personal data collected during this event will be destroyed within four weeks after the close of the event.

查詢電話For enquiries:

2852 4632

 活動名稱Name of Event :Vibe@Silvermine 周末礦熱

日期Date :2024年10月5日(星期六)

時間Time :晚上6時30分

地點Venue :梅窩銀礦灣泳灘

票價Ticket price :免費Free 

 門票分配方式Ticket Allocation
1. 民政諮詢中心門票公開派發Distribution at Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centres * 
Tickets will be available for distribution to the public at the Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centres from 19 September 2024 (Thu) at 10 am.
*(Ticket distribution at Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (Mui Wo) will begin at 20 September 2024 (FRI) 10 am.)
地址Address :
離島民政諮詢中心(東涌):大嶼山東涌美東街6號東涌郵政局大廈1樓(電話:2109 4953) 
Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (Tung Chung): 1/F, Tung Chung Post Office Building, 6 Mei Tung Street, Tung Chung, Lantau Island (Telephone No.: 2109 4953) 
離島民政諮詢中心(梅窩):大嶼山梅窩銀鑛灣路2號梅窩政府合署地下(電話:2984 7231) 
Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (Mui Wo):G/F, Mui Wo Government Offices, 2 Ngan Kwong Wan Road, Mui Wo, Lantau Island (Telephone No.: 2984 7231) 
離島民政諮詢中心(長洲):長洲新興街22號地下(電話:2981 1060) 
Islands Home Affairs Enquiry Centre (Cheung Chau): G/F, 22 San Hing Street, Cheung Chau (Telephone No.: 2981 1060) 
 2. 網上登記Online Registration* 
1. 小紅書
2. 電郵至 
Registration for tickets will be open from 10 am on 19 September 2024 (Thu) to 6 pm on 3 October 2024 (Thu) (Tickets are limited. Each applicant is entitled to collect a maximum of 2 tickets. First-come-first-served while stock lasts, whichever is earlier.) by the following methods: 
1. Xiaohongshu 
2. Via email: 
Please provide the name, email address and phone number (last 4 digit) for ticket registration, each name, email address or phone number is eligible to register for up to 2 tickets. Registration for more than 2 tickets will not be accepted. A confirmation message/email will be issued upon successful registration. 
*Tickets are limited and will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis while stock lasts. Each applicant is entitled to collect a maximum of 2 tickets. 
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